Jumat, 09 November 2012

Muka Absurd Anime X3

Moshi-moshi minna-san!
Mau ngasih ekspresi-ekspresi kocak anime-anime nih XD
Simak yap!!!

Kamis, 08 November 2012


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb!!!!
Moshi-moshi minna-san!!!! Mau curcoool~ *eaaa X3
Ngerasa ga suka? boleh di Leave ko blognya ;)

Let's see deh ;)

In my mind.....
Entah kenapa ini negara selalu ada di kepala gue terus :3

Negara ini tuh bisa bikin semangat cita-cita gue *mungkin* naik *aih~
Entah kenapa gue suka gunung Fuji yang dinginnya ga bisa di hangatkan kecuali sama ALLAH SWT... *eaaa~

sama orangnya yang cerdas, ramah, ulet, disiplin, maju, dan suka menghargai sesama~

Masjid Kobe-Shi yang tersohor itu :3
yang SUBHANALLAH ga ada kerusakan apapun dari gempa!

Harajuku+Cosplaying Style yang memBOOMING world style!

JapanMusic! yang punya ciri khas sendiri! ;3
Animenya juga jangan lupaaa!!!!!!!! Karena Jepang memproduksi animasi terbanyak yang mempunyai arti yang bermakna dan bermanfaat!

Aplikasi-aplikasi bermakna!



 Pocari Sweat!
Nah ini minuman yang biasa kalian minum :3
Pasti lumayan seger deh habis minum ini ;)

Gomen ne minna-san sampe segini dulu ;)

OPINI !!!!!!!

Gue pribadi ngeliat Jepang itu ga hanya dari satu sisi aja sih, tapi ya dari semua...
Khusus buat ini, gue lebih mencontoh kebudayaan mereka yang punya dasar yang jelas dan ngga absurd.
Terus juga gue ambil positifnya aja deh soal Jepang....
Mungkin orang-orang menganggap otaku *sebutan fans Jepang* agak meng-uforia...
Tapi di balik euforia itu ada banyak manfaatnya...
mungkin orang bilang otaku itu kuper, tapi lo semua gatau sifat asli otaku...
Well, please stoped yah buat penghinaannya... karna kita juga berkaca kalo kita ngelakuin hal yang sama ke kalian semua kita pasti masalah kita ga akan pernah selesai... 
Ga niat kasar ko, cuma mau jelasin ke kalian semua bahwa ga semua otaku itu seperti apa yang lo bayangin sekarang... lagian masih ada yang lebih euforia dari kita semua kali ;)
Arigatou Gozaimasuta perhatiannya! Wassalam Wr.Wb ;)  

Toushirou Hitsugaya :D

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Minna-san mau ngshare Hitsu nih, tadi kan Ichigo udeeeh~ ;p wkwk!
Yep si cowo cool, sexy *maybe he's so very cold. wkwk~*, pendiam ini mungkin juga ga kalah coolnya yah dari si Ichigo *hanya saja saya lebih suka Ichigo-_-* *skip*.
Mungkin karena dia cool~
Buat anak otaku cool di dalam anime itu termasuk cowo yang diam saja dan ganteng._. bzzzz~ hehe!
Yaudah simak aja nih ulasan profilnya ;)

Taoushirou Hitsugaya.
Hitsu tinggal bersama neneknya dan beberapa waktu yang singkat juga pernah tinggal bersama Hinamori Momo, yang dia anggap sebagai teman baik di Junrian

Hitsugaya memasuki Soul Reaper akademi setelah Rangiku Matsumoto membuatnya sadar bahwa kekuasaan yang kuat spiritualnya hampir membekukan neneknya. Meskipun usianya, ia unggul di akademi, menjadi dikenal sebagai anak ajaib, dan menjadi kapten dari Divisi 10.

Hitsugaya memiliki kepribadian yang tajam dan jenius, dia adalah kapten termuda Soul Society.
Dia juga memiliki sifat mudah marah, gampang tersinggung, dan serius.
Mungkin karena ke-cool-annya ini kali yah si sedenin sama cewe-cewe *hmm u,u

Dia juga tidak suka orang yang dengan sengaja mengambil keuntungan dengan menarik perhatian orang-orang seperti yang ditunjukkan saat ia memimpin tim Soul Reapers ke sekolah Ichigo Kurosaki.
Dia pun juga tidak suka di perlakukan seperti anak kecil atau melihat sifat orang yang kekanak-kanakan.
Ini dapat di tunjukkan ketika Karin (adik dari Ichigo) menepuk bagian kepala Hitsu *mungkin secara ga reflek yah si karin u,u*

Kemampaun Histu itu bisa jadi naga berbentuk menjadi naga es di bulan purnama.

Nah kalo cowo cool *dikabarkan* cocok couplean sama :

Karin Kurosaki si gadis yang mempunyai kakak yang kuonyol sekualeeee~

terus sama Hinamori Momo

kalo yaoinya udeh dong pastinye sama si master shinigami XD *eaaa~

sekian yow!
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb~ ;)

Ichigo "Bleach" ;3

Assalamualaikum minna-san~
sekarang mau kasih sedikit profil atau ulasan si cowo (anime) yang (konon kabarnya) kece, sexy, dan rada ngelawak ;3 wkwkwk~ kali ini sih tokohnya di ambil dari anime Blech yap!
Simak aja deh~

Ichigo Kurosaki.
Mencengangkan sama pekerjaannya dia, yaitu selain menjadi pelajar SMA dia juga berprofesi sebagai Shinigami~ *ew ;3 *ikutan gaya Gaga~

Ulangtahun si cowo kece rada lawak ini 15 Juli

Tinggi badan dan berat badannya itu 192cm dan 62kg, golongan darahnya di dunia peranime-an itu AO.

Ichigo adalah seorang remaja berusia 15 tahun yang senantiasa mencoba untuk menjadi berbeda dan anti-sosial. Itulah alasan mengapa ia selalu tampak bersungut-sungut. Akan tetapi, seiring berjalannya cerita, dibalik penampilan dan sikapnya yang kasar, ia menjadi semakin baik hati dan pandai.

Ichigo memiliki kemampuan aneh untuk melihat arwah, yang disebabkan oleh kekuatan spiritual yang selalu ia miliki. Setelah bertemu dengan Rukia Kuchiki, kekuatan spiritual Ichigo yang tadinya terkunci menjadi terbuka, dan ia mengeluarkan kekuatan spiritual yang amat besar, yang bahkan dirinyapun tidak dapat mengendalikannya. Oleh karena kekuatan spiritual yang amat besar inilah, teman-teman Ichigo yang tadinya normal, tiba-tiba jadi memiliki kekuatan spiritual juga, dikarenakan kedekatan mereka dengan Ichigo. Teman-teman Ichigo yang selalu ter-ekspos energi spiritual Ichigo menjadi sadar secara spiritual, bahkan masing-masing jadi memiliki kekuatan unik sendiri-sendiri.

Nama Ichigo, dalam bahasa Jepang memiliki 2 pengertian. Pertama, Nama Ichigo, apabila dipisah menjadi ichi dan go dan ditulis menggunakan huruf kanji, ichi (一) dan go (五), memiliki arti 1 dan 5 atau dengan kata lain, 15. Angka-angka tersebut merupakan angka-angka yang sering muncul dalam manga Bleach. Kedua, apabila nama Ichigo ditulis menggunakan huruf katakana (イチゴ), memiliki arti "buah arbei". Nama Ichigo sebenarnya merupakan nama anak perempuan di Jepang, dan waktu penjaga gerbang Jidanbō mencibir Ichigo tentang hal ini, Ichigo dengan bangganya menyatakan bahwa namanya ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kanji ichi (一) yang berarti "satu" dan go (護) dari kata "pelindung". Ayah Ichigo pernah mengatakan bahwa nama Ichigo berarti "ia yang melindungi".

Konon kabarnya dia emang cocokan couple-an sama :
Buat straigth sih *katanya* pantesan sama Rukia Kuchiki~

Kalo buat Yaoinya itu..... hmmmmm~ *really sorry buat supafans hitsugaya *termasuk kaica;3

HUOOOOOO X3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buat para fujo mungkin bisa di browsing couplean anatara hitsu dengan ichi X3 *hmm *skip~

Yep! terlalu euforia *terlalu*

Undur diri dulu buat ke euforiaan postingan ini X3!
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb~

Minggu, 04 November 2012

High And Mighty Color!

Hallo~ Kalian tau kan High And Mighty Color?
Itu loh band asal Jepang beraliran heavy metal Anti-Nobunaga.

Ohiya! Rumor-rumornya vokalis band ini yang bernama Maki-san akan mengundurkan diri... huhu :'3 sedih yah buat supa fansnya... padahal dia vokalis yang punya energetic yang keren loh~
Yap tapi semoga saja kalau vokalis ini tidak jadi mengundurkan diri u,u

One more ya!
Disini aku juga mau nampilin personil-personilnya nih! simak yap ;)

* Maki (Maki lahir di Urasoe, Okinawa, 23 Agustus 1987) (vokalis wanita),Nama asli: Maki Onaga (Onaga Maki), menyebut dirinya dalam blog milik band sebagai Makio.Setelah bertemu anggota nd Anti-Nobunaga, Maki membatalkan rencana?sekolah di Kanada. Maki menjadi peran utama dalam film Anata o Wasurenai karya sutradara Junji Hanad?.

* Yuusuke (Yuusuke lahir di Naha 25 Januari 1985).Machinegun Vox: vokal rap, death growl
Nama asli: Yosuke Kuniyoshi (Kuniyoshi Yosuke)Perannya dalam grup Anti-Nobunaga yang merupakan cikal bakal Haikara adalah sebagai vokalis utama.

* Kazuto (Kazuto lahir di Naha, 18 September 1984) (gitar)
Nama asli: Kazuto Heshiki (Heshiki Kazuto).Gitar utamanya adalah merek ESP yang dipesan khusus dan diberi nama Purple Haze.

* Meg (Meg lahir di Naha, 15 November 1984) (gitar)
Nama asli: Y?suke Ishikawa (Ishikawa Y?suke)
Gitar yang digunakannya merek ESP yang dipesan khusus dan diberi nama Rin.

* mACKAz (mACKAz lahir di Kochinda, Okinawa, 15 Juli 1984) (gitar bass)
Nama asli: Masakatsu Minei ( Minei Masakatsu)

* Sassy (Sassy lahir di Itoman, Okinawa, 23 Agustus 1984) (drum, pemimpin band)
Nama asli: Satoshi Nishihira ( Satoshi Nishihira)

At last!
Arigatou Gozaimashita minna-san ;)!

Alice Nine Profile :3

Moshi-moshi minna-san ;)
Mau ngposting tentang Alice Nine nih! English vers yow XD wkwkwk!
Simak aja lah ;)

Alice nine. (アリス九號) is a visual rock band with a sound that easily covers multiple genres. From hard-hitting, edgy rock songs to sentimental pop-influenced ballads, alice nine.'s style is one that is constantly evolving. The band formed in 2004 and got off to a quick start as both the first and second presses of their debut single quickly sold out. Over the years, this five member group has shown no sign of slowing down.
Profile Members

shou cross game Pictures, Images and Photos

SHOU ( )

Artist name: Shou
Real name: Kohara Kazumasa
Part: Vocals
Age: 26
Birthday: 5. July 1981
Blood type: O
Height: 177cm
Weight: 58kg
Foot size: 26cm, but uses 27cm
Hobby: Playing video-games, searching for old clothes/secondhand clothes, drinking coffee
Fav. Color: Blue
Music: LUNA SEA, KoRn, Atari Teenage Riot, The Used, MUSE
Manga: Nana, 20th century Boy, Berserk
Food: Potatoes
Drink: Soy Milk
Karaoke song: Shiina Ringo and Boowy
Phrase: Wakaruyo~! (means: I understand, I know), Nemuriiii! (means: Sleepy)
Pets: 3 cats (one is called Chirori)
Perfume: BVLGARI black
My Boom: Walking
First musical instrument he learned to play: Guitar
Childhood hero: Dancouga
Sports engaged in: Baseball
Greatest influence: Toshi-low
Strongest point: Long Places
Weakest point: Short Places
Something he'll never give up: The time to Sleep
Something he currently likes: Collecting shoes
Past bands: lost age, Givuss (with Tora), kijintan (session band)
Recent enthusiasm : Doing the best I can. Otaku Bonzai!
Taste in Women: The type of person I can love/Someone who will possess me.
Cannot Hand this Over: Caramel cappucino with a lot of syrup on top Previous


Got his teeth fixed somewhere between the October 3.-6. (He says that he can sing much better now)Knows how to cut hair.
Always thanked everyone and the fans in his diary.
Mixed up his words in a live when he came in and said: “Hello Super New View” (supposed to be Hello New Super View) Everyone just thought that it was supposed to be like that.
Doesn’t go anywhere with out his iPod and/or his Gameboy Advance
Loves video games
“Always Plays” with his bandmates hair
He responses alot to the word “adult”
His name means a Military Officer
Uses glasses
He’s the one who makes the set lists
2 holes on the left ear, 1 hole on the left side of his lip(Past)
Can't stand waiting for others.
Hate those that don't give up their seats to those who needed it more inside the train.
Hate girls who puts on make up inside the train

saga cross game Pictures, Images and Photos

SAGA ( 沙我 )

Name: Saga
Real name: Sakamoto Takashi
Nick name: Saga-sama (teasing name) and Daikon-san (means: Radish-san, Shou made it up)
Part: Bass, backup vocals
Age: 25
Birthday: 24. June 1982
Blood type: AB
Height: 175cmWeight: 55kg
Foot size: 27cm
Hobby: Walking with his Dog
Favorites Color: White, black, red, silver, purple
Brand: NCYHAIT, abx,(Past)Lounge Lizard, Dior Homme, LAD MUSICIAN, PUERTA DEL SOL(Current)
Music: UNDERWORLD, downy, NUMBER GIRL, a combination of hot and floathy -feeling music
Manga: Doraemon
Drink: Water
Karaoke song: Shiina Ringo and Boowy
Phrase: Okusan! (means: a wife. Someone's wife. O_o; ? )Pets: A dog, Chiko (means: fries)
Perfume: DOLCE&GABBANA(Past), BVLGARI black(Current)
My Boom: Clothes(Past), Wine(Current)
First musical instrument he learned to play: Guitar
Childhood hero: His own father
Sports engaged in: Baseball
Greatest influence: None
Strongest point: Patience
Weakest point: Change
Something he'll never give up: Things he's proud of
Something he currently likes: Clothes
Past bands: Vall'na racill, Visage, Delta Ark
He thinks he knows more about Gundam than Nao does
Nao and saga are very good friends
He says that Nao looks like a Pooh Bear when he sleeps.
Kissed Hiroto and Shou in Alice in Wonderland live Shibya-AX in 31.8.2005
Never speaks loud enough in interviews
Hates to be called Saga-SAMA
When they finished their first full album “Zekkeishoku”, Saga took a guitar and started to sing "Heeeeey, We finished, the aaaaaaaaalbum."
Writes various songs
Sing with Shou in the song Q.
‘‘Slept together with Nao’’
Plays with a 5 stringed bass at times
Uses glasses
3 Holes on the right ear, one hole on the right side of his lip
Keeps claming that he has a dead body in his room
He's a fcuking hot bass licker.

tora cross game Pictures, Images and Photos

TORA ( )
Name: Tora
Real name: Amano Shinji
Part: Guitar
Age: 26
Birthday: 17. September 1980
Blood type: O
Height: 182cm
Weight: 70kg
Foot size: 27.5cm
Hobby: Skateboarding and reading BMX
Favorites Color: White, Black
Brand: GUCCI(Past), ADIO(Current)
Music: KoRn
Manga: Kyo Kara Ore Wa
Drink: Oolong Tea
Karaoke song: Shiina Ringo and Boowy
Phrase: Mendokusai! (means: annoying)Pets: A Cat
Perfume: Burberry(Past), his own composition(Current)
My Boom: Authority's apparent lack of power
First musical instrument he learned to play: Bass guitar
Childhood hero: None
Sports engaged in: None
Greatest influence: Dimebag Darell
Strongest point: Secret
Weakest point: Secret
Something he'll never give up: The time to sleep.
Something he currently likes: Nagasu Koriki
Past bands: Karasu, arakune, Givuss (with Shou)
Cried in Alice in Wonderland live Shibya-AX in 31.8.2005
His name Tora means Tiger
I have never seen him smiling in the ends of a live
He almost never writes in his diary
Adds English words to songs.
He’s the biggest KoЯn fan
He’s the one how got the idea to put the backwards R in Alice in WondeЯland (he got the idea from KoЯn)
He bought a guitar just for recording
He has a heartagram tattoo on his right forefinger, he got it in October (I think)Uses glasses
He’s the strongest band member
He dyed his hair blood once (SHOCKING)
Plays the piano (for example in ‘FANTASY’)
1 hole on the right side of his lips, 1 hole on the middle of his lips(Past)
Calls himself “The lonely wolf”
He's 1/4 American as his grandmother or grandfather is an American.

hiroto cross games

HIROTO ( ヒロト)

Artist name: Hiroto
Real name: Ogata Hiroto
Nick name: Pon
Part: Guitar
Age: 22
Birthday: 4. May 1985
Blood type: O
Height: 167cm
Weight: 51kg
Foot size: 26cm
Hobby: Visit famous places in Japan and photographing them(Past),clothing and watching a movie(Current)
Favorites Color: Red, gold
Brand: Effect clothes, ADIDAS(Past),Velvet Lounge, John Lawrence Sullivan(Current)
Artist: NINE INCH NAILS, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Clammbon
Music: Hot Post-Rock music
Manga: DragonBall Z
Drink: O-cha -> Green Tea, Healthya, 100% Peach juice
Karaoke song: Songs from Kinki Kids, hidePhrase: Ikeru darou? (means: Shall we go?)Pets: May be a dog? Not sure, cause I only found a old picture where he was holding a puppy.
Perfume: None.
My Boom: Skateboarding and collecting shoes
First musical instrument he learned to play: Acoustic guitar
Childhood hero: Gundam
Sports engaged in: Running
Greatest influence: Hide-san
Strongest point: "I can't lie. Immediately feels heat."
Weakest point: "I can't lie. Immediately feels heat."
Something he'll never give up: He's beliefs and his guitar
Something he currently likes: Collecting shoes
Past bands: BAQUEPIA
Carried/Lifted Shou up in the backstage during PSC Tour.
Loves everything about stars
Has grown up most in the band
He heard once that a teacher said that they didn’t care about their students, and that broke his heart totally.
Was still in High School when he was in alice nine.
Keeps the energy in the band
He’s the person who will do alot if he can.
He says that when he shouts something to a microphone, his teeth always hits hard on the mic.
Only one in the band to use his own real name.
Ripped off his T-shirt in a live
Does the sound effects in the album Zekkeishoku

nao cross game


Name: Nao
Real name: Murai Naoyuki
Nick name: Otakkii, Winnie the Pooh, Devil Nao, Pooh San
Part: Drums
Age: 27
Birthday: 31. July 1980
Blood type: A
Height: 170cm
Weight: 55kg
Foot size: 26cm
Hobby: Hikikomori (Social Withdrawal)(Past),PSP and Nintendo DS, to explore(Current)
Favorites Color: Pink
Music: Orutana/Alternative/Jazz/Soul
Manga: 3X3 Eyes
Drink: Coffee= Starbuck's caramel macchiato
Karaoke song: He doesn't sing
Phrase: Wakaru! (means: I understand, I know)(Past), hungry Current)
Pets: None.
Perfume: BVLGARI black, BVLGARI blue
My Boom: His Buddy System
First musical instrument he learned to play: Bass. Still know how to play it!
Childhood hero: Ultraman
Sports engaged in: Baseball, Soccer
Greatest influence: "There are many"
Strongest point: His strongest point is the weakest point
Weakest point: His weakest point is the strongest point
Something he'll never give up: Hikikomori (is spending time alone, social withdrawal)
Something he currently likes: O-anikei (means: Older brother)
Past bands: Fatima, RusHFun
Got left behind two times (In a tourwhen they were just making a stop on the gas station)
He always need to use the bathroom in the wrong time, like before interviews.
Writes into his diary mostly about food.
Tumbled in Hello Dear Numbers Live
Doesn’t sing when the band is going out to sing in to a karaoke bar.
Was the lead singer in a band when he was in High school.
Loves Gundam
Loves to tease his band mates
‘‘Slept together with Saga’’
Uses glasses
Hates fish
Has a action figure of him
Feels safe behind the drums
Had a fake dragon tattoo on his neck (Kowloon -Nine Heads Rodeo Show-)
Played the bass in his former band Rush